Alien Invasion

Reviviendo la emoción de ‘V’ Invasión extraterrestre Hola a tod@s, esto es la web de maquetas, figuras y dioramas de las series y películas que mas nos marcaron del pasado y del ahora. En este post hablamos de nuestra serie favorita de los 80 «V» Invasión extraterrestre. Algunos sabran que V comenzó como una […]

Diorama of the pilot fallen in the battle of Hoth

Diorama Star Wars

The target lone pilot dropped The diorama of the pilot dropped, forgotten, on the surface of the planet, this new model I had been hanging around a long time to build. I was intrigued by the idea of representing the loneliness and vulnerability of a pilot abandoned in an unknown place, far from any help or hope of rescue. [...]

Dragons and Dungeons, Exploring the Characters involved

Calabozos y dragones, Monstruo y Naturaleza

Welcome to our blog, where today we will delve into the fascinating world of the TV series "Dungeons & Dragons". This iconic series of the 80's has captured the imagination of millions of viewers around the world, transporting us to a universe full of adventure, magic and dangers. "Imagination is the only limit [...]

10 figures must-haves of the Lord of The Rings for every fan.

Busto Gandalf

10 figures from the Lord of The Rings indispensable in the collection of every fan If you are a big fan of the world fantasy epic of the Middle-Earth of J. R. R. Tolkien, you will know that no collection is complete without a few figurines of the Lord of The Rings. These miniature replicas of their characters and [...]

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