Amon Hen: The epic showdown in the hill of the eye

Diorama Amon Hen

Near the Anduin, stands the hill of the eye, a vantage point to see the entire valley, and it was a major battle in the times of the ancient kingdoms, in the times of Angmar.

Today, only a handful of ruins, known for Amon Hen in the language of men. In this old post of guard, when Gondor was extended up to the Anduin, he saw the end of The Company of the ring.

by Cesar

Frodo and Bilbo flee, Boromir is felled by the arrows of Lurtz the evil Uruk Hai captain of Isengard but it is on the hill where Aragorn along with Legolas, fought a battle against hundreds of enemies, the Uruks.

In the chronicles that the future King of Gondor would write, recounts this epic showdown:

"I see you come, my peers are not. It's just me against the hordes of evil, kiss the blade of my sword, and breath for a second, then I can not, the battle begins"

by Cesar

In this diorama of Amon Hen, made for Warhammer I have adapted the measures that would fit well the figures, even those of the Uruks with a spade. I have also given artistic license in the eagles-sphinx guardians of the temple.

by Cesar

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